Its been 4 months, i want to do this again
Every day on the forum, we wake up to see several bugs in the new for today category. And majority of these bugs are by new users absolutely DESPERATE for Pro Crusher rank, so they make a post and never touch the forum again.
Most of the time these bug posts have already been posted before, and it is rare to find one with proof, actual detail, is ACTUALLY A BUG, and hasn’t been mentioned before. Those are the ones highly likely to be fixed and for Panwellz to rank you up in the group.
People a…
lets start with one of mine (at this time period i was getting a bit desparate)
Can the bug be found among the known bugs in the trello Trello ? If so, upvote it there instead!
What is the bug?
If the moutain annihilator is not flipped you can still press the flip button and make it jump:
How often does the bug happen? (Everytime/sometimes/rarely)
What steps do you need to take for it to happen? List them in very high detail:
Spawn the mountain annihilator
Press f or the flip button
Is the bug related to GUI or something that only happens for you? (GUI = t…
The golf cart can rev (yes i called my topic lame)
I and I bet a lot of other people find this bug annoying. Whenever you die in a crusher, your car and all of the UI’s on your screen disappear. Your arms and legs fall off your body and your movement glitches. It is very annoying because we have to go back into the dealership and respawn the car. This glitch happens to everybody among the platform and happens each time you die in a crusher. My Roblox username is IKaitl or iKaitL
prob not a bug and very desparate
oh yeah i literally saw that 2 seconds ago
its just
This isn’t even a bug and look
Can the bug be found among the known bugs in the trello Trello ? If so, upvote it there instead!
What is the bug?
Answer: Theres a small piece of shit hole in the boulder drop crusher.
How often does the bug happen? (Everytime/sometimes/rarely)
Answer: Everytime.
What steps do you need to take for it to happen? List them in very high detail:
Go in boulder drop in row 3
Look under the wall on the left side
theres a hole there, a very small one
Is the bug related to GUI or something that o…
Can the bug be found among the known bugs in the trello Trello ? If so, upvote it there instead!
What is the bug?
Answer: Your body of Avatar will fall after you reset
How often does the bug happen? (Everytime/sometimes/rarely)
Answer: Evertime
What steps do you need to take for it to happen? List them in very high detail:
Just join car crushers
Spawn a car
Any time u reset or die ur body will fall after u came to lobby after reseting
Is the bug related to GUI or something that only happe…
he/she (idk people genders)even said it Your body of Avatar will fall after you reset - #3 by lpoiiko_PlayzRB
hmmm not as bad as the other ones tbh
are we just roasting other people now?
Dude i literally posted it cuz it looked like a bug. I wouldnt post it if it would just be a “lame excuse”
well it is VERY obvious that it is a feature
gonna call one of mine lame again
Probably not even a bug but I’m reporting it anyway.
In the update log on discord Panwellz mentioned that our own car sounds now have zero latency and update at 60hz. However, some sounds still have that latency, mainly the turbos. Here’s proof.
It’s not car specific.
Can the bug be found among the known bugs in the trello Trello ? If so, upvote it there instead!
What is the bug?
Answer: the tesla roadster 1.0 floats on water
How often does the bug happen? (Everytime/sometimes/rarely)
Answer: everytime
What steps do you need to take for it to happen? List them in very high detail:
put the tesla roadster in the water [i did have the ram and booster on it]
Is the bug related to GUI or something that only happens for you? (GUI = the dealership, derby win…
here is another one which is the most desparate one i have ever seen
March 11, 2021, 8:19pm
I’m really tired of people reporting bugs desperately trying to get pro crusher. They make an account, report a insignificant bug, or make it so hard to pinpoint the bug that nobody even knows what they’re talking about. They then just leave the forums and never touch it again.
more than half of the users of the forums do this, or just come once, customize their profile and leave.