Category | Topics |
AnnouncementsThis is the forum’s main category for announcements of different kinds. Only staff can create posts in this category.
DiscussionThis is the place to chat and discuss about various things with other members of the forum. Here you can share your opinions/thoughts about the game and community or anything else you may want to discuss.
SuggestionsThis is the general category for suggestions. Please choose one of the subcategories depending on what you want to make a suggestion for. No posts are allowed in this category.
BugsThis is the general category for bugs. Please choose one of the subcategories depending on what you’ve encountered a bug on. No posts are allowed in this category.
Off TopicOff-topic category is for anything related outside of CC that can be discussed openly and follows the ToS and our forum rules. #discussion is for both topics towards CC/Roblox, and #off-topic is for random debates or open discussions of any topic that abides by the rules.
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