Scrap Value limit is not functioning as intended, with more details :trollface:

This is more of a detailed post for the following forum post, which has been merged with several related forum post that does not show further details:

Bug Description:
Scraps limit is not working as intended, if ever you spawn a vehicle that already has reached the scrap limit and destroy it after, instead of the +[Max] text to pop up, it will show +256,123 specifically

This also happens in vehicles that hasn’t reached the scrap limit, however this happens differently, the value added to the scraps before it reaches the supposed max value for that vehicle’s scraps will be the one showing up as a value added once you start destroying the vehicle further.

To make things understandable, watch the following video and keep track of the scrap counter alongside the parts counter (I used Roblox recorder for this one as my laptop would suffer running other recording tools):

Bug Frequency:
Everytime that a specific action is performed.


Reproduction Steps:
–Reaching the +256,123 Value:

  1. Spawn a vehicle that already has reached its max scrap value
  2. Destroy it
  3. The scrap counter should show up as +256,123 instead of +[Max], if not, there must’ve been other factor that has affected the outcome.

–Reaching the randomised Value:

  1. Spawn a vehicle that has not yet reached its max scrap value (or spawn a vehicle that has reached its max scrap value and spend some of it to any of the customisation found in the dealership)
  2. Destroy the vehicle until you reach the max scrap value for that vehicle
  3. Once you reach the max scrap value, destroy the vehicle. The value that should show up is the value of scraps added to the vehicle before it has reached the max scrap value instead of the +[Max].
  4. If the supposed outcome in the 3rd step doesn’t happen, there must’ve been other factor that has affected the outcome, which is something I have not yet found

Is the bug related to GUI/Interface on the screen?
Yes, however there are no errors shown in the Developer Console that is related to this issue

Roblox username:


4K 120 FPS Gameplay


OmG dEv SpOiLeR rEvEaL!


Also make sure to update the car rename guide

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More like discord mod :skull:

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I didn’t know
That’s why I said dev spoiler

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Also I don’t use discord anymore

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well, i got banned from cc2 discord

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but my photo is still in faq

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i’m still gonna merge this with the original

A post was merged into an existing topic: 256K scraps in one crusher