Nitro (Remade Idea / My Idea of It)

So I previously made a suggestion on nitro but this time, I wanna change my idea of it or give more detail of it, or have anything I want to add to any other possible suggestion of the same thing.

So I’m sure you all already know what nitro does, it gives you a boost.
Now this time, you can get nitro from scraps or credits, and when you do get it, it will will show up as a power up.

What this power up does, is it gives you a boost of course, but it’s not as powerful as the rocket, and instead of just pressing the button and you probably running into a wall, you press and hold (on mobile) and hold down the usual keys to activate a power up on pc, and when you stop holding down the nitro will stop.

The rocket is massive and makes your car looks a bit on the iffy side because of how it obstructs the cars look, with nitro, it will show somewhere on the floor on the passenger side, and when used there will be orange flames coming out of the exhaust. And just like the rocket, you can change the color and such of the nitro bottle, despite how unnoticeable it is.

Yes, you can upgrade this add-on, but in the end it will still be slightly weaker than the rocket booster, but it’s still useful. You can upgrade how long it last and how powerful it is, which gives you more acceleration. After getting the extended use time upgrade, the nitro bottle will turn into 2 nitro bottles connected to one another if you know what I’m saying. After upgrading the power, the flames will turn blue, and the flames can actually be changed in color.


a lot weaker if its non gamepass


vehicle sim x cc2 CROSSOVER


Revive because I have the disability too.


BTW imo I think the name name should be nitrous or NOS because because it increases the power of the car (I think)


I think is just better than booster because it looks cooler with the blue flames and doesnt go too fast execpt for the booster that makes u instantly crash


i think in mobile it should be you press it can it like boosts for you bc it would be hard steering holding nos and accelerating and probably braking soon at the same time


Great idea!

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Maybe one bottle is no gamepass, but to add the second you need to buy second bottle nitro gamepass

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Nitro on cars