Nitro on cars

I know that there are rocket boosters but maybe specefic cars can have nitro or some kind of speed boost but it will be smaller than the rocket boost therefore will keep the rocket booster still powerfull

— Just an addon for cars to get a bit of speed.


Let me guess… you make this theme to make cc2 “robux independent” game again? To make balance within poor and rich? Anyway, I like you suggest




I knew it


Hi i am TBS123SPARKY from roblox.
Adding NOS would be a great stuff for car lovers

Player should be able to buy NOS from the Perfomance section in Customizing option
Buying NOS with scraps or credits would be good for non robux players, NOS can be a little less powerful than the rocket boost so that it would be fair.

And another extraordinary feature: Using NOS more than 7 or 8 times should make the engine explode ( this makes the NOS feature more realistic)

i hope my suggestion gets noticed by everyone


So I previously made a suggestion on nitro but this time, I wanna change my idea of it or give more detail of it, or have anything I want to add to any other possible suggestion of the same thing.

So I’m sure you all already know what nitro does, it gives you a boost.
Now this time, you can get nitro from scraps or credits, and when you do get it, it will will show up as a power up.

What this power up does, is it gives you a boost of course, but it’s not as powerful as the rocket, and instead of just pressing the button and you probably running into a wall, you press and hold (on mobile) and hold down the usual keys to activate a power up on pc, and when you stop holding down the nitro will stop.

The rocket is massive and makes your car looks a bit on the iffy side because of how it obstructs the cars look, with nitro, it will show somewhere on the floor on the passenger side, and when used there will be orange flames coming out of the exhaust. And just like the rocket, you can change the color and such of the nitro bottle, despite how unnoticeable it is.

Yes, you can upgrade this add-on, but in the end it will still be slightly weaker than the rocket booster, but it’s still useful. You can upgrade how long it last and how powerful it is, which gives you more acceleration. After getting the extended use time upgrade, the nitro bottle will turn into 2 nitro bottles connected to one another if you know what I’m saying. After upgrading the power, the flames will turn blue, and the flames can actually be changed in color.


Add nitro like in Vehicle Simulator to add to the car like turbo or other upgrades. It may be without exhalation effect (it is probably more relistiv) but to give stronger acceleration. I know there is a rocket engine but you could use a simple nitro.Thank you for reading.


Nitrous Oxide (Car Boost)


It will be free just go to the add-on and you will find the nitrous bottle




i hope when this gets added to cc2, hopefully you can customize the colour of the nos.


Hopefully, it gets added. It’s something so necessary that is so underrated.


I’ve been thinking about nitrous for a while as well, so here’s my take on it:

Each car can have a nitrous tank to be used. It can be purchased with credits (similar to the air thrusters), but it can be upgraded using scraps. The higher value the cars, the more credits are to be spent to unlock and upgrade the nitro. Upon unlock, the player gets to unlock one of two types of nitro tanks for free (see below).

There are 2 types of nitrous tanks that can be used:

  1. Burst nitrous:
    The nitrous button has to be pressed once to use a burst tank. A powerful shot of nitrous rapidly increases acceleration. The entire tank is emptied during the process. Faster and more spontaneous than burn nitrous, but last shorter and are “turn based” (you can only use them once they fill up completely). Has a higher emphasis on acceleration than top speed.

  2. Burn nitrous:
    The nitrous button has to be held to use the gas. A steady flow of nitrous gradually increases acceleration. Burn tanks are more controllable and last longer, but have a slower usage period compared to burst nitrous tanks. Has a higher emphasis on top speed than acceleration.

The nitrous system can be purchased in the form of a tech tree. Once a player unlocks either of the two nitrous modes, they can either choose to upgrade their tanks to a higher level, or purchase the other mode using scraps. Sub-categories can also be unlocked to get better nitro options that fit the playstyle of the player.

(Info: the normal and super modes on the burn nitrous are simply to show the power, super is more powerful and lasts slightly longer than normal nitrous.
Also, the boxes with italic fonts mark the highest nitrous obtainable.)

Nitrous tanks can be filled simply by doing activities. Driving at high speeds, drifting, gaining air could be some examples of said activities. Nitrous will NOT affect a car’s airtime, meaning, it cannot be used mid-air to fly farther.

Maybe a nerf to nitro could be vehicle damage, if your car is more than say 25% damaged, nitro will be disabled or its usage would be far less effective. I liked the idea of nitro damaging your own car after a couple of uses as suggested by @sparky_tbs , so maybe if the vehicle is more than 50% damaged, you can only use the nitro a maximum of 5 times. Of course, it’s just a suggestion.

(now I realise this might require a lot more UI changes to show nitrous bar and damage indicator lololol)

Thanks for reading, lemme know what you think of these ideas and feel free to add any of your own or modify my existing ideas :)


Additional suggestions because why not:

Electric cars obviously do not benefit from nitrous in real life (they don’t have gas engines for nitrous to be split and combusted…) so for an electric car, instead of nitrous, there should be ERS (energy recovery system, like IRL F1 cars). The same principles apply though, stunts and activities recharge your ERS and there can be a burst ERS and a steady ERS, yadda yadda, same nitro stuff but with electricity.

Same could also apply for cars with rockets (the Hypershock SSV for example). The nitrous could be named “oxidant” or “power mix” or something similar as it’s technically not a nitrous mixture.

I’m gonna call this “Boost” from now on for parity with gas, propellant and electric vehicles.

For balance purposes, Boost could be set as its own setting in the tuning score menu. I mean, players are not required to obtain Boost to get the main tuning score, it is simply an add-on similar to the “best plow” add-on.

Another balance could be race events’ settings which can toggle Boost on or off, although I think this wouldn’t really be a great fix because everybody might already just max out their favourite cars with Boost. Nevertheless, it could be used so that people without Boost (entry level players, for example) do not get an unfair disadvantage against richer, more experienced players in the lower race classes (Boost off could be used for server competitions less than C or B tier).

Speaking of race classes, Boost will increase race class by a few points. The higher Boost tier a car has, the more points its race class increases by.

Maybe a new UI could accommodate vehicle damage and nitrous within the same space, but this is just a personal idea. Picture attached below, I had a lot of fun making it lol

(i am very obsessed with this idea, been a huge fan of NFS games since hot pursuit)

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this is absolutely amazing, i really respect the effort you put into this


Appreciate you man, thanks for reading :)
Hope our ideas get noticed as well :crossed_fingers:

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