Map problems

Can the bug be found among the known bugs in the trello Trello? If so, upvote it there instead!

What is the bug?
Answer: Map is have some problems (Invisible Parts, doesn’t collide parts,placement problems and small holes)

How often does the bug happen? (Everytime/sometimes/rarely)
Answer: Everytime

What steps do you need to take for it to happen? List them in very high detail:

  1. Go around the map and find map problems

Is the bug related to GUI or something that only happens for you? (GUI = the dealership, derby win screen or any other interface)
Yes/No: No

If yes, screenshot all unique red and yellow text in the developer console and post it here. (Open console by opening roblox settings, scrolling to the bottom and clicking the open developer console button.)

Invisible parts:

Small holes:

Doesn’t collide parts:

Placement Problems:

This is everything I found

**Roblox username:**viktor726

I think I said it understandable and i think they are bugs

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Most already reported before, I reported invisible parts on beach here and the invisible parts by lake have been reported here and the invisble walls by track have been reported here

Most of these have all been reported before, please look through the forums to see if your bug has already been found and reported. I encourage you to also post one thing at a time instead of all of these map problems at once. Also if you could remove the images that have been suggested before so it’s less confusing that might be helpful, thanks.

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