Ability for players to drive your vehicle

So what i was thinking was an option to let players drive your vehicle. I was thinking the option to be named “Driver Seat Access” There will be several modes you can enable just like the “Vehicle Access” option that lets people ride in your vehicles passenger seats only and not drive it. Have one mode be “Friends Only” then “Everyone” then “disabled”. When you have the option set to “friends only” or “Everyone”. Have it disable money earnings “Only” when other people drive your vehicle. Have it always have money earnings enabled when you drive your own vehicle. When the core explodes and if the option is enabled then when the car gets destroyed from the explosion have it earn you money. If another person is in it have it still earn you money “Only” when the core blows it up. Dont ever have it earn you money when another person attempts to crush your vehicle with that option enabled. Make it so that it “Only” earns you money when you actually drive it and attempt to crush it. So when you have the “Driver Seat Acess” enabled to “Friends Only” or “Everyone”. Make it so that the PvP button becomes disabled for you when you have the “Driver Seat Access” enabled. Have it become disabled for the person driving your vehicle too. Have it enable the PvP button once again once he gets out. If he has the PvP button enabled then have it automatically disabled the PvP mode and then disabled the PvP option. Then when that other person gets back out your car have it automatically enable the PvP mode once again and the option. If you and him both have the PvP option enabled then have it disabled PvP mode automatically and then disable the button for both of you. When you turn the “Driver Seat Access” off then have it reenable the PvP option and have the PvP mode turn back on automatically only for you if you had it on before. Only when you turn on that option is when it disables the PvP and the button. It will also disable the PvP and the button for the person if the other person tries and drives it. When that other person gets back out thats when it reenables the PvP and the button for him only. Its kinda hard to explain but you probably know where im going here. Im trying to explain it in a way so there will be no way you can cheat the system. Its to make poeple work for there money instead of someone else driving your vehicle and doing it for you. Anyways thats all i wanted to suggest for CC2.


Aka, only you get the money when you drive the car?


yeah that should be good


This is a bit complicated due to how the game is programmed, so it probably won’t get added


This would have been a good thing to add though.


I am liking this post as I like the idea but the post is so big I likely am not going to read it.


i like it for new people joining cause they can have fun without having to grind to 4 tokens just to drive a dump truck