

Hi, I’m !Stuwe or just Stuwe for Short. I am an EX-Head Mod of CC2 (Car Crushers 2) and the EC (Event Coordinator) The EC helps with events and sometimes makes special events for Discord. With my helpful ET members, we do daily qotd, (question of the day) rotd, (riddle of the day) giveaways, and game nights. My Events Team Management was, Aliquis (Head Manager) Neko (Team One Leader), Apollo (Team Two Leader), and maybe more in the future if I somehow get EC again…
I also do NASCAR races, like in 3xTremz’s league where I won 3 Races in season 2 and the S2 Chase for Cup (aka I won the playoffs).
Shout out to Gachii and the Ro-Football community (Legendary Football and Ro-football).
Shout out to and
I want to practice engineering when I go to college.
If you have any questions, DM me here or on my discord, !Stuwe#3459.