Your vehicles does not move at all while you're in the Dealership

Good evening,

Today I want to share a bug that was been happening at least ever since I started playing Car Crushers 2, which is that your vehicle does not move at all while you’re in the Dealership, no matter if your vehicle is in a situation where it should move like in a conveyor belt rolling for example.

This bug happens always and I’ve tested it only on xbox now, but I’d think it happens in other devices aswell.

Fix this bug so that you can switch between which vehicles to use whenever you just unlocked a new one easier, without having to wait seeing your vehicle being destroyed and simply just go to the Dealership.

My Roblox username is LikeDoritos123, but I’m already a Pro Crusher so if this bug report ever be Pro Crusher worthy, you can rank my friend up in the group instead.
My friend’s Roblox username is: ninja_seb95

Thanks for listening.


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