What's the point of money currency now?

at least make frenzies or car material game passes give more platina :sob:


so replacing a temporary roadblock with infinite amounts of grinding will bring more players
yeah right
games finish and it’s normal


so you pretty much admit the newer players don’t like it
85% of the game’s playerbase is below 1T :derp:


if platina on its own was a bit less tedious to get and if some cars still had money pricetags then I wouldn’t see a problem with it


they literally did the exact same thing with mastery and they got over it, it’s not that they dont like it its that they’re lazy roblox kids that can’t adapt to change so no matter what they would’ve been mad

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so if they’d be mad either way, what was the point of this whole thing anyway? :derp:


mastery was a roadblock, but it had an end
platina doesn’t
most people don’t like grinding, and no update, let alone some guy telling everyone that they “don’t like change” could make this any different


platina was meant to give endgame players something to do, that’s why it doesn’t really have an end. if you want an end you prolly don’t even care about the game that much :skull:

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hmm yes I surely the tasks, side activities and the “playing just for fun” thing don’t exist
could’ve just expanded on that
racing especially needs a revamp but instead we got some arrows becoming red :skull:


Yeah, we need more of an incentive to race. I have beamng, but, I’m bad at racing there (beamng has extremely realistic driving physics), and it would be fun if cc2 racing was as popular as derby.

Cc2 racing REALLY needs a revamp right now. The time trials are fine, but, getting in a 5+ multiplayer race is so rare. Platina system + derby has overshadowed racing, which is a shame (I am getting tired of derby).


yea im with you on that, racing needs a big change. people don’t do it anymore and getting those multiplayer race daily missions are a nightmare to finish if you can’t reroll it


my exact thoughts, if only panwellz could see this

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my point is that the main progression path will and should eventually end
if you wanna have something to do for the people who completed it then expand on the sidequests
tuning score was a good idea, racing needs to be changed greatly to be more rewarding, and the car-specific mastery thing could also be neat.


I wish you could pay for things with money tho.