What was the most epic moment you ever had in car crushers 2

mine was when i was doing a police chase and the criminal was getting away so i jumped off a small ramp and landed right on him and did a lot of damage
i can show u da vid where i did it if u want

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Mine would probably be getting on top of the roof of the facility without a rocket booster…
…rather lame, I know.

h o w

I can’t be bothered to recreate it so I’ll just link this

hey i want to do that
it would be pretty awesome

but how did u get up there

Watch the vid

hey inferno i can you one thing (use booster) that you have to hit one of the jumps at the stunt park at a certain angle to get up, or use that tower spiral thing to also get up. i can show you if u want.


I just manage to pull off stunts around the map, like use the rocks around the bridge to ramp onto the bridge; I just imagine myself in a car chase and pull off stunts that could possibly get me out of it.

Other “epic” moments are close calls from tally off a cliff or almost hitting or getting hit by vehicles.

Neither of them that special really.

well, mine is not very special, but it was when I got more than 15 derby kos in a stock ford mustang in beginner derby

A batmobile outrun a thrust SSC

And the thrust SSC is me
That’s epik

my most epic moment was when i was shooting tanks, cars, and trucks with my trusty rocket launching while on the roof through the glass… SHIT I TOLD MY SECRET


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its fun
dont delete

Mmm, reach of the roof of the facility with the Mountain Annihilator hahaha.


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for me it was the discovery of the two wheeled tanker fuel truck



I’m gonna have to try that lol

Me and my friends like to form a blockade sometime, but with that mine truck of doom or the thrust ssc