What update you would really want to see?

For me, I would definitely wanna see a “Tornadic Update” since it is odd to not have intercept vehicle in the game which kinda suck but as of right now, I am working on a few Intercept vehicle model for some future update (maybe) and I hope that if they get added, I would like to see everyone opinion about them.

Also let us know what update you wanna see in the future of CC2


mass remodel update
where they do nothing but remodel every vehicle that needs it (priussssss)




I agree


I have a TON of cc2 ideas so here are a few i have (panwellz if you see this make me apart of the team to suggest non-vehicle ideas nonstop)

1: Exclusive car rewards, for achieving a certain milestone of exclusive cars you will unlock a special vehicle (they won’t count towards other milestones)

2: Visual black hole crusher revamp

3: Player stats menu (shows overall stats for many different things)

4: The option to switch any car to their any of their old models

5: New sorting options (year produced, date added, handling stats, etc)

6: More vehicle stats (year produced, update added)

7: Different exclusive car rarities (archived, mission, limited, event)

8: Black hole facility destruction

9: Adding a third floor

10: 850k-1m part crushers (i have a long essay going over what they are, i’ll post in another topic)

11: Total distance driven rewards

12: New car materials and adjusting the others

13: Making every other old car an archived car for those who owned it before deletion (not lambos)

14: New permanent missions which require much more difficult tasks

15: Making badges for every in game task (velocity tuner, annihilator, juggernaut champ, 125 daily missions, 1k derby kos)

16: Adding rewards for resetting stats

17: April fools event which occurs each year

18: A leaderboard for money

19: An in-game primary title for being a regular or leader in the cc2 forums

20: Dedicating an update to adding a bunch of common cars

These aren’t that detailed bc i have the full descriptions in a note


A separate MP car shop
really want more stuff to spend and grind mp for


I really wanna see the money leaderboard too but they will have to remove any buyable cash pass and fixing stats for people that did it in a more “P2W” way or even auto farm way

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the city update.
a wave of ordinary sedans and hatchbacks (vw golf im pointing at you) and renaults as well because we only got the tank


derby physics update because then there’s no more “THEY PASSED IT FROM 20 FEET AWAY HOW DOD IT BOMB PASS” moments


related to wifi and ping or smth but id like some derby reworks


I would really like to add an update where everyone gets something they want: a tornado update with tornado intercept vehicles and actual tornados, an exclusive MP shop, and lots of new vehicles and remodels. I would put everyone else before me in this situation so that they get what they want, and then I can get my stuff too, that would be great.

