I think 1998 subaru wrx sti 22b is
mhm, its def not the new 2022 gen one that’s nasty, and I personally don’t really like the blobeyes they have some questionable reliability and the gr generation is pretty good, I really love the hatchback version
Unpopular opinion but either 1998 or 2022
Or the stink eye
Blob eye
+1 stinkeye
idk why but these are amazing imo
oh god 2022 sucks
To me:
No.1: Gen 1
No.2: Gen 5
No.3: Gen 4
No.4: Gen 3
No.5: Gen 2 (Blob)
No.6: Gen 2 (Haw)
No.7: Gen 2 (Bug)
No gen 5.?
1st blob eye not so overrated but a huge upgrade
2nd hawk eye same as blob but overrated
3rd raptor eye new final performance subaru
4th raptor eye old just not good as the new version
5th mean eye 22b
6th stink eye weak
7th bug eye looks more like a mercedes amg
8th ugly ass eye hyundai elantra n ruined the wrx career
1st evo 4
2nd evo 6
3rd evo 5
4th evo 9
5th evo 8
6th evo 10
7th evo 7
8th evo 3
9th evo 2
10th evo 1
Ok that’s evos but this is wrxes…
How bout both
Also the wrx have the same turbochargers as the evo
Oh ok