What is something terrifying that you seen, heard, or been in?

I’m just wondering since my friends have interesting ones and I’m wondering about y’all


In:my mums friends modified Mustang
Seen:prolly gonna be a special pills deal near my way to and from school

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I hardly have any friends ;-;

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seen: jumpscare with a pennywise mask by a sibling
Heard: someone screaming in agony
Been in: a crappy car my uncle used to own


seen: degloved hand…
heard: some random girl screaming while i try to sleep outside (it sounded like she was murdered or something)
been:almost drowned bc some guy like shoved my head underwater and kept my head under


Mine was the funky town torture, my old friend sent me the video because he is evil and I couldn’t stop watching the video, it was traumatizing, it is burned in my brain and I can’t remove the image. I recommend not looking it up as it’s horrible, btw I stop being friends after that.

Ive heard that my school is haunted apparently

See: jumpscare Jack of the doors ( roblox)

Hearing: shots from some gun
outside my house

Been Lost: in a supermarket


see: when i was little i would hallucinate pretty much every night so that was fun

heard: canadian amber alert noise (even worse if you wake up to it)

been: honestly not sure


seen: various hallucinations, sleep paralysis encounters with things I can’t really explainm, other than them being from straight from the depths of hell
my dad completely go bonkers back when he was unstable. now he is stable, but still volatile. Not really scared of it, but mostly for my mom and dad and their marriage etc, one of them getting hurt (this was a year or two ago)
heard: hard to say. would have to think about this one edit: sleep insomnia and paralysis…voices, hallucinations, intrusive thoughts that I would rather not describe
been: shot, held at gunpoint.


dude I can relate with the hallucinations part in some ways
when i was little growing up I had nightmares almost every night, mainly due to insomnia but I have my suspicions
really frustrating, but I dont much anymore


nah some guy sent me a video of a person being murdered


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seen: uncanny police sketches with photoshopped smiles (those are fucking terrifying)
heard: random guy put headphones on me while I was sleeping during break at school, played a loud bass sound, scared the shit out of me (anticlimactic but that’s personal experience for you)
been: large ass bug flew straight for me right as I was drying my face

did they have no face when they being murdered or no?

Hang on, imma change
Been in: De Tomaso Pantera
Heard:A car supposedly turning into a person, on purpose
Seen:a clown mask outside my window

Lol same, I got terrified when I lost my mum while buying olives

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I lost my mom at a concert for 2 hours :skull:

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nah like he was pleading for mercy and stuff omg i cant remove that out of my head please stop

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oh god… … … … … … … …

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well lets just say we are not roommates anymore

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