Voice chat text channel

We need this channel for people who are unable to speak using their voice, and generally to avoid flooding the general/fun chat with out-of-context messages.


We had it before but it was heavily unused, I’ll see if I can bring one back.


lol we used to have one but no one used it so it was deleted

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Yeah it was deleted because it became an off topic useless channel

I could make one with auttaja’s voice text options, since it would only be visible to those in the voice chat. However I doubt that it would happen.


Why not tho? I mean yes sometimes it can remain unused for a while but, I personally think having that is better than people sending messages in general without the context. Especially that sometimes, that person who can’t speak in vc is usually the only person in the chat, which will make it seem like they’re flooding the chat with random stuff.

There are alternatives to that channel but I just think this would be a nice to have.


I have to get stuff like channel additions or removals approved by exon, and after the first time we did this I don’t see him saying yes.


No like literally, no one used it for voice chat, there was random images and random posts about stuff not related to vc, like out of the days it was used there was only one proper day it was used for actual voice chat, every other day after that was random crap

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but wolf said

soo I think that could fix that issue of people posting unrelated pictures and messages?


It might but there’s still going to be shitposting of some sort in there no matter what.