Vesco Turbinator 2
Price: 58T
Mastery: 3
Top Speed: 503mph
Derby Tier: 2
Idk if makes sense to put this above trust ssc because the ssc as higher top speed
I think this would be a cool addition. Would be like a poor-man’s Thrust SSC. Would give less rich people the chance to experience something similar to the Thrust SSC. This should be either normal or group.
I might even say this should be tier 1 because of how fragile this is
IF the vehicle has almost the best attacking score
Its fairly tier 2. Just because a vehicle is tier 1 dosent means its fragile
The dragster is a tier 2 because of the attack score and its fragile
Pretty overpriced
Yeah, 100 percent. You aren’t wrong there. The Dragster is probably a little more durable than this though. The Dragster is fragile though mainly because the wheels are huge targets and the front ones are absurdly fragile. The engine is pretty well protected, it’s in a cage but could be better.
This thing might be overall more durable be cause of wheel and engine protection, however it’s very thin.
Would you happen to know how much this vehicle weighs? Would help me to determine durability. Weight certainly alone does not determine durability, build quality matters more, but it would help.
And, also, it could definitely be cheaper. Needs to be behind the Thrust SSC by a considerable margin. Ahead of the Dragster though.
Like i can push this vehicle if the vehicle has no wheels with superhuman gamepass
Yes it needs to be cheaper than the thrust ssc
oh wow. Very lightweight then, probably half a ton-1.4 tons at the most.
Very low defense, as it seems to be made mainly of composites
composite is actually really resistant to dents and scrapes and blunted impacts but is extremely vulnerable when struck with a more sharply angled vehicle or something much heavier.
This thing may be too light to have a frame on it idk.
ohhhh wait I just looked at the picture more
its actually very small wow
very low defense
handling is also probably terrible, these are made for point A-point B speed runs. I’m sure it can handle a little bit but nothing like a sports car
I really like the suggestion though I think this would be fun addition to CC2
poor-man’s SSC Thrust
The dragste handling is worst yk
yeah I know. I’m sure this one probably handles a bit better but only a bit. Very narrow track width.
the dragster is very prone to tipping because of CoG. This one’s CoG is probably better
I can push other vehicles like
Race mower
peel P50
Golf cart
Mopetta mini
Sprint car without wheels
Gtg now
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