Vehicle launch early at race track

Can the bug be found among the known bugs in the trello Trello? If so, upvote it there instead!

What is the bug?
Answer: The vehicle launched for a short moment before the race count down finish

How often does the bug happen? (Everytime/sometimes/rarely)
Answer: sometimes

What steps do you need to take for it to happen? List them in very high detail:

  1. go and take part in a race on the race track. It doesn’t matter what kind of race is it. the forward button or “w” on pc.
    3.Your car will launch for a short moment sometimes before race begin.

Suggestion: We know start the race means respawn you vehicle on the race track, and then the system will cut in and make sure player can’t launch their car. If we reverse the order, first, the system cut in to make player can’t control their vehicle, then respawn the car. This problem may be solved.

Is the bug related to GUI or something that only happens for you? (GUI = the dealership, derby win screen or any other interface)
Yes/No: No

If yes, screenshot all unique red and yellow text in the developer console and post it here. (Open console by pressing F9 on computer, otherwise by opening roblox settings, scrolling to the bottom and clicking the open developer console button.)

**Roblox username:**Docoruu


This has been reported before but I can’t find the original.


yep it got posted like a month ago


No, there was one before that even.


my original one from november