Vacuum suggestion

Make flamethrower not work in vacuum, or work minimally, and rocket launcher has no explosion effect. This is because there is no oxygen in a vacuum for fire to burn.


The Flamethrower would work in the vacuum. This is because it has a fuel (likely LP gas), A Oxidizer (I think thats what the smaller tank is for…) and is ignited through a spark (assuming that’s what the red thing is at the front). The LP gas and oxygen are mixed at the nozzle and then lighted through the small spark. This allows for some sort of fire to be created.

The rocket launcher would also work in the vacuum chamber (Assuming it uses gunpowder). Most Gun powder is the mix of Sulfur, the chemical C7H4O (Charcoal), and the chemical KNO3(Saltpeter). It Contains the oxygen needed to start the combustion reaction. The saltpeter provides the oxygen and charcoal provides the fuel. The Charcoal takes oxygen atoms from the saltpeter and that oxygen bonds with carbon atoms. Hydrogen from the Charcoal bonds with oxygen as well. This Gives us the equation
KNO3 + S + C7H4O = CO2 + K2S + H2O + N2
We Now have carbon dioxide, Potassium Sulfide, dihydrogen monoxide (Water) and, Dinitrogen. This reaction already contains oxygen needed to make a explosion.

In short if nobody wants to read this, both the flamethrower and rocket launcher do not require oxygen and would work just fine in a vacuum.


I only understand 3% of what is mention here :sob:


Then why did you need to respond? This is the suggestions page

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What did I do exactly?

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You said you only understood 3 percent of what is mentioned here. What matters is if you like the suggestion. If it’s a bit sciency, disregard it. But no need to respond if you don’t understand it.

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I was not talking about the suggestion when I said the 3%

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Alright then, my bad. Disregard all this.

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Sufficient explanation. I might think about this a little then consider my suggestion. What I mean for the rocket launcher is that it will work, there is just little to no explosion effect however your explanation is pretty solid.