Trailers for Pickup Trucks and Trucks

Well we should add trailers that trucks and pickup trucks can pull to make them useful and have a fun experience

ik there is a trailer idea but thats just for trucks and i am including pickup trucks in this one.

here are ideas for some trailers that could be added.

  1. (VIP) Turret carrier trailer (tier 3 ig)
  2. (VIP or Exclusive) Homing Missile Launcher (tier 3 ig)
  3. RV like trailer
  4. Explosive trailer
  5. Special Double Trailer for larger Trucks

Some vans can pull trailers if vans are included I am all in!


also put this in CC2 Suggestions next time


Yes, but trailers should not be allowed to be used in derby, it could cause some weird glitches

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looks like I forgot to merge this post because I am stupid

A post was merged into an existing topic: Trailers For Vehicles (a big one)