Thoughts about The Missile Cannon crusher

it’s definitely not just me, but like this crusher has just become so inconsistent for the past few months, and it’s probably because of the lag that the missiles themselves have

it’s really irritating and kinda disappointing because this crusher used to be really good, and it could easily take out anything moderately sized in a few seconds, but now it takes like 4 rockets to destroy a small car because of the missile lag

I’m sure it’s been reported before so I figured that making a topic on this in this channel in specific would be a better way for me to voice my opinions, feel free to share thoughts if you have them


Yeah, and the worst part of it is the fact its a Row 3 crusher so a larger crusher which imo, doesnt make sense at all


yeah tbh I think it sucks and should be fixed or removed

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missile launcher and plasma cannon or whatever its called are both very bad rn
plasma cannon is even worse

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Didn’t even know a crusher named this existed until I saw this post :pray:


Yeah now that i think about it, It wasn’t this bad when it released
Could it be the expansion that caused this?

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