The update (review)

I guess the TD isnt getting buffed or replaced with something new :/
I tried though, either that or im being impatient, but losing hope
Thought i’d waste some time here reviewing this update

Physics- I really like how heavier things can actually ram smaller things into oblivion, its quite realistic and hilarious
However, there are a LOOOT of issues with the physics right now, a lot of glitching and instakilling going on due to weird crap happening, but this new physics system is, well…new to the game, so im sure it will be worked on in the future
The nuke truck- it is easily the best thing in derby, I like its abilities and rediculous defense but tbh I dont find it fun. Its just me though, I am NOT saying its bad, its an amazing thing and im glad it was added. Just not my type. Let me explain
there are many different playstyles which people use, this is a good vehicle for a slow tanky type person but I prefer to be tanky AND fast and not so huge. I like trucks but yeah this would be a super fun vehicle for the right type of person. It’s not a jack of all trades vehicle, I think thats what it is
-Sherpa (sharpo, due to copyright I think)
SO glad you added this, its rather…enh…horrible, in derby, due to its underwhelming attack, but I just cant stop driving it. its SO fun to drive. its like a tiny energy monster truck. the only time where it dominated in derby is a cramped map like the Temple, because you can simply drive over everyone.
its a good add, but just as the previous thing, not really my go to thing for derby, I prefer the pushback and camaro z28 for derby
These are just my opinions, I really like this update compared to the last 3, itneresting things were actually done, and steps were taken to make the game more realistic (however needing fixed already which is understandable)
I really like the update overall how about you guys?
The only thing I really long for or look forward to (not sure which to choose from) is for the TD to be rebirthed as a new vehicle and the original thing just moved down price wise and made normal or group
A question for the devs, I never know for sure if like I am supposed to ask or know, or not, but just straight forward I ask, will TD be made anew within the next few updates or buffed in any way? Or are you working on a current model that is unseen?
Just wanting some answers (you dont have to give them, its up to you) im just getting weary of keeping my hopes up thinking it is getting rebuilt, I just want to know if it is or not so I can stop doing -this-
anyway, have a good day all


How about the BMW i8 and Bugatti Bolide?


basically just like any other supercar, being VIP they are -slightly- faster than the normal ones.
Nothing really special other than looks imo
they perform about as well as any other supercar
I find that all supercars have almost identical performance to eachother, which is why pro derby is so boring imo


the i8 is normal


Just my opinion though, but yeah I forgot to review them first time I just drove them around and crashed them and was like meh
both are extremely fragile, high speeds, terrible turning and mediocre handling. about like every other supercar.
it’s probably just me, but I may just have different definitions of handling and such, I just prefer trucks myself


I know, to clarify I just meant compared to the other vehicles that have been there longer, it’s performance doesnt really surprise me in any way tbh :/


You would think the Bolide would be like a mini-McLaren Ultimate VGT…


lol sorry idk man. I am a dictionary when it comes to trucks and guns and such but supercars I know nothing about lol
but I will stray to assume you mean you expected more from it as well…?
I just found it rather identical to basically every other supercar in performance which didnt really surprise me due to my lack of knowledge in this field


Just by hearing about the car, it doesn’t sound all that great. I knew it was gonna be worse than the… what is it called in game, the Traferga VGT, but it sounds a lot worse than I thought it would…


yeah :/
im mainly itching for something like a low-level high performance truck type thing or a REALLY unique car with unique performance perks or something
aside from the sherp and the nuke truck and physics, stuff has been dull in my opinion :/
one of the main reasons why I want the TD buffed or moved down to give room to a newly build version o it, is because I want something…idk…that stands out I guess, something I can get in, and have fun and and be capable of things that no other vehicle is capable of you know
but the TD needs a buff or something in its place anyway, im sure we cal all agree its way too lackluster for what it is when it comes to performance and engine
But yeah people want cars like that added, I think, is because they are people’s favorite inRL, or they are popular etc
I just want something exciting and aside from a couple things that hasnt happened in a long time :/
just my view on it


They could add an HSV Maloo Ute in the future.


oo I must look this up
regarding the TD, I am beginning to let it go (not a reference, please god no lol)
This is also to anyone else that will read this, I think I may be expecting too much from such a large vehicle
lemme just put in my own strange way of saying it
gunboat- fast, deadly anti-personnel (in CC2 personnel would be small zippy cars) good durability good speeds, but more vulnerable against larger capital vessels
destroyer-gunboat killer, and also above average against anti-personnel (again, small things)
a good jack of all trades vehicle, no real weaknesses. But can be destroyed by a high tech cruiser or a dreadnought
dreadnought- kills all. period. BUT, is VERY VERY slow, manuverability is a joke.
Will massacre cruisers and most destroyers, BUT…is vulnerable against a small, fast, and powerful craft…such as a gunboat…normal fighters (fast tier 1s) are ineffective
get what im saying? The TD is more of like a cruiser or a destroyer, and I want to make it a gunboat and that just wont happen. That is a different vehicle I am needing.
And by the way, I looked at that truck
VERY VERY promising for how im wanting to roll in derby. Also looks very nice
im wanting to be fast, I dont have to be the fastest, but fast enough to give the fastest cars trouble to get on me. I want to be manuverable, but not absurdly so.
basically something that is basically MADE for killing any tier 1 in beginner while taking minimal punishment, however while still being able to kill tier 2s, and hold its own against a jugg with its durability and speed
sorry I just typed a book lol

also, is your truck already suggested? I can suggest for you if not. I was also gonna suggest many “gunboat” like trucks or truck/car hybrids a nice VIP beginner vehicle in the future


Yes the HSV Maloo has been suggested before


ah ok


one other vehicle that is a RL favorite of mine and would also be fantastic for this role, is the old-gen Silverado I suggested
would be nice of both of these were added, the Maloo probably being a tier 1 and silverado -possibly- a tier 2 given its 13.3 accel and insane 135 defense
(I calculated these things given real life wreck experience and abuse my truck has taken, and how fast my truck is without mods, and researching how much more powerful the engine would be given the list of mods in cc2)


I went to derby and for some reaso. When I got hit I spun around a lot, even with a heavy car getting hit by a small car


yeahhhh the physics are going in the right direction, but need to be toned down a LOOOT.
its REALLY chaotic right now but im sure it will be fixed in the future
I wish the sherp wasnt so useless in derby its so fun to use ;~;


i will gave it 3 points full 10 because

  • frist -0.5 points
    is here i8 dimension isn’t correct aso its ugly shape isn’t like original
    i think because it can’t fit inline 4 (in real life is inline 3 that its why i8 its 4 seat ) a front and rear will a little bit ugly isn’t like original picture
    that is why i love a jail break ver

  • -2 points
    is how long to remodel and remesh(dimension & performance +layout specs)
    RX-8,AE86,S14,BNR33,mustang,EVO,Jeep wrangler rubicon,dodge challenger SRT 2012,NSX(90s),supra mk4 and worstes is 911 rsr

  • -3 points
    is no care about inline 6+fake vents more engine bay space on FRONT ENGINE car and EG6,BNR33,R35,BMW M3 GTR still have 2 seat but interesting about Suck and experience all new W16

  • and -1.5 points
    is no responding most same suggestion topic ,just add,fix or responding a problem will get solution (no more alot of Already suggested in the forum problem)
    example :
    RX-7(FD3s) BNR34 is 10+ requst
    ford mustang remodel but still base by FWD ford puma is 12+ requst
    idiot front engine RSR but finaly never change it to rear engine still last update (UPDATE 28)


Wait, isn’t the RSR mid-engined irl now…


The i8’s proportions being wrong is because of how big roblox characters are, you can’t fit 4 of them in the car, have an i3 engine AND an electric motor. Most of the cars you listed that need remeshes don’t really need them. Sure, maybe the Silvia S14, the Mustang, Jeep Wrangler, need a remodel, but the RX-8, Dodge Charger SRT8, and the '90 Nissan NSX just need better headlight and taillight design. Meanwhile the Supra, Evo, and (technically) the 911 RSR don’t really need a remesh.

They have to use fake vents because of how Blender and Roblox builds cars I guess. And most cars in the game have an I6.

I don’t know how the forum suggesting the same vehicle more than once is relevant to the CC2 Update.