{Terrain Destroyer} ENGINE SOLUTION!...here is what I propose

sorry but…ahem
WHAT IS THAT?! WHAT THE F*CK IS THAT (lol to those who know the meme reference)
Okay SERIOUSLY. Something has to be done (hopefully next update)
Like I would love for this thing to get buffed and all that speed-wise, but D U D E
WHAT, on GOD’S GREEN EARTH is that teeny tiny 2,3,4 engine doing in this truck? It is the PRIME REASON as to WHY I DIE so much with this in derby.
This engine does not belong in here at ALL, it belongs in what…a moped???
Like, the devs really need to deal with this, (again I am not mad just…this isnt fair for the TD)
Like literally the truck itself is quite durable, but its engine literally gets it killed in derby other than the TD’s poor performance speed wise, but come on now
That engine is one of the most fragile one’s currently in the game
but here…here is what I propose as what to do with the TD at this point

T I N Y and W E A K…seriously though look how much room is in that CAVERN of an engine bay?! This did perhaps house the original intended engine for this truck???
Even if the supposed engine wasnt modeled surely it could be built and swapped in there??
Like I am sure most of us know this thing needs a performance upgrade (made a recent thread for it in discussion)
The buff would be nice, but THIS NEEDS DONE FIRST
take that weak, unfitting rubbish engine out of this nice rig please
but enough of a little rant, here is what I propose (and devs can correct me and what not this is just my idea for it)
my goal is to keep the engine in the front as it was originally built, I want to leave the TD’s original build untouched as as much as possible throughout this.

Okay. So in order to get this tiny cherry bomb hairdryer motor out of there, (lol)
ok see that big black piece against the firewall that comes forward? It takes a lot of space in the engine bay, and eats into the back of the current engine
We cannot fit a larger motor in there unless we build a custom one for it and whatnot but ANYWAYS
so basically to retain the TD’s original look as much as possible, see the two black blocks on the sides of the engine? What if we cut that long one on the back, and just cut it away from the engine, but kept them lined up with the other two
as follows
So cut that one part in the back, on the diagram to line up with the parts the arrows point to to get it out of the engine bay (and engine) space, HOWEVER, by lining up with the two on the other side, it would look tidy :>
shows frontal side and bottom side of the piece in the getting-cut portion behind (and eating into) the engine.

would cut the same on both sides also I hope the drawing shows that well

I think this piece (above) should be taken out. it cuts right through the engine, even the tiny one it has.
BUT, even if that part is taken away, it will be covered up nice and neatly by this outside piece that goes here (below)
there is a flat piece that goes across below that piece as well, but that is the front of TD so no trouble there (not marked)

Now back to THIS ONE (below)

okay this piece, do the same thing to this as I clearly (tried) to show as with the large rectangular piece, cut BOTH OF THOSE the same length, so they still fill in the hold on the side and dont intrude into the engine bay as shown here
see? Still plugging the holes on the outside, but not eating the engine bay (the plan)

And so, all the frontal goody can go back on
LOOK at how much room we have now!

And so


What do you guys think? (devs included and the creator of this vehicle)


Use a ram plow to protect the engine


BTW it a good suggestion too


yes you can protect it, but
I want the TD to be stronger without a plow. It need this engine gone imo


I think the devs can add engine parts like battery or turbocharger to fill in the space


Yeah that is true
they should at least also buff the engine durability itself
it gets destroyed far too easily for such a strong truck


they could do these things (the post) and just fill in the space around the engine with more goodies and stuff (more than one radiator, some turbochargers)
or even some more metal to just protect it you know
something needs to be done


Yes and just for advice, read this article


Err nvm you shouldn’t read it because there’s a 2005 sliverado in there


its alright, but the things they stated about the silverado are just so petty
can agree about dodge and toyota though their frames were theiy achilles heel ;~;
chevy frames are amazing, the brake line thing just comes down to if you drive it over salty roads or not…its not the truck itself


okay…this is BS.
brake lines do not relate WHATSOEVER do engine issues. what the hell
who wrote this?!
I doubt they hurt the suspension, but is possible but only very remotely so
“Excessive oil and fuel consumtion…”
are you kidding me
its a VORTEC ENGINE. it is going to drink oil and gas like crazy. It’s a big v8 I mean come on xd


You experienced any of the problems?

BTW I can delete it if u want


its alr man no offense taken or nuthin…but that article I tell you is very…enhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHH
sus. there I said it
but yeah advice is nice but the source where you got it from is doodoo (no offense)
and no I have not experienced ANY such issues with my silverado and I will say as best I can, I abuse the absolute HELL out of my truck. I treat it like a stingray when I drive it, and a derby truck when I offroad with it
no brake line issues
yes, the engine likes to slurp oil and gas but it doesnt leak
slurping is part of v8 life
especially a vortec engine, but they are extremely reliable and durable engines on the flip-side, and are excellent performers




Still feel engine should be in rear, but great ideas


I mean it could be anywhere the TD is a big boi
this is just a suggestion after all, mainly what I want done is just…the engine to not be the death of it EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


im basically done putting forth effort to do this
I dont have the energy or mindset to really do it anymore
its up to the devs now (it was to begin with, but you know what i mean)
time will tell


I may need to take a very long break
what had me write the stuff I wrote in the past…is back again
it came out of nowhere
from a different plane
but yes i will be gone for some time


nevermind I fought it off
hell that was quick


ANYWAYS ignore the prior comments of me
so…this thing needs a better engine/better engine placement
and lets do
13.9 acceleration
and…what about instead of 71
lets use the TD’s top speed when you alter the gears to the max, which makes it 8.6 accel but 102 MPH top speed
but lets do 13.9 accel but its max speed with gearing its top speed regardless??
13.9 accel and 102mph top speed :>