Tank battle needs improvement

Tank battle sucks.

The problem is that the barrels aren’t invincible.

Winning in tank battle is enigmatic. If you don’t choose an exophonic mk1, a mk1 comes around and one shots your barrel off, then you get bullied by the rest of the exophonics.

If you choose an exophonic, a mk1 still comes around and one shots your barrel off, and so by the end of the timer, almost all of the tanks in the match are barrel less.

Though, I will say that if you choose the crusader or WDZ and have skill, you can win the match somewhat easily (I haven’t, but other people have), but, this strategy makes the rest of the tanks redundant.

If the barrels were actually invincible, then it becomes a skill-based matchup dependent on your skill at aiming and evading, and means you could hypothetically win using any tank.

Unless you’re on mobile. Improve mobile tank aiming pls.

Also, I don’t remember tank battle being this fustrating before the new physics update (sometimes a exophonic one shots your engine in your definitely 100% armored tank), so I also think that derby shouldn’t have the new physics.


Tip: aim the wheel


i just use the maus. Its very hardy if you know how to use it.


pro tip: maybe DON’T paint your tiger 1, wdz 130, mk2 crusader, or panzer 3 bright green and paint it the stock color so nobody assumes you’re a pro?

also i never use big tanks, it’s too flashy and i’ll get targeted


Honestly I do most of my damage by ramming others because aiming while driving is impossible on mobile and I don’t wanna stay still to get oneshotted by a tryhard.