NAME: T28/T95 Super Heavy Tank
note: You are dirty minded
Slower than the stock Golf Cart…
of course its a 95 tonne tank
T-28 super heavy tank
Origin- USA
Top speed - 12.7 kph
Price in game - 700B- 2T
Vip exclusive
Why i want this in game - cause y e s
But… It’s Roblox…
y e s
The perfect tank to s u f f e r
commence the suffering in tank battles
NAME: (Add in title too)
T95 Doom Turtle
DO NOT POST IF THERE ALREADY IS A VEHICLE SUGGESTION FOR THIS CAR (Check the ”Your topic is similar to…” tab or search on the forum)
Actually T95 Super Heavy Tank not Doom Turtle
well if we’re being specific its alt name is 105mm gun motor carriage t95
bro the amount of people suggesting this is wild
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