Suggestions for the entertainment for CC2

I have multiple suggestions for CC2, starting with some visual suggestions. There isn’t anything that happens when you die, or slam into a car. Yeah stuff breaks, but you dont get that pizzazz. Personally I think having stuff in settings to enable stuff for impact; blood, particles, etc etc.

Make it to where you can spin people out, like in GTA 5. When you’re driving and the front hood of your car is slamming in to the back wheel of someone elses car, they kinda just vibe with you there and dont react.

Make more multiplayer options. Like a road rage, racing (which i think is already being made), and the derby is very unsatisfying and annoying to play, this is partially due to the desync in roblox but still.

And finally, just remove the respawn timers. They’re annoying and lessen the experience a lot, for literally no reason.

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nice to meet ya

Welcome to the forum, just a couple things:

  1. Removing respawn timers would create lag because people could spam them
  2. Blood has been suggested here