Should we add lore to car crushers 2

should we add it?


we should


it would make it more fun


side note am i popular?


technically there is lore ingame if you search hard enough


thats true do you know about exo industries


its part of the lore


in construction derby map it says on a sign exo industreies


exo industries might cerated the facillty


im just saying


if panwelz sees this add lore to car crushers 2


Some lore:
Because of all the derby maps, CC2 island may have been a city on an island with the now derby maps before outsiders from Exo industries wanted to repurpose the island for a destruction island + facility, hence they kicked all the islanders off and build the facility and other places from the ground up, the islanders didn’t want to get off but they had no choice, the remaining islanders were forced to crash and destroy cars to make a quick buck.
There, here’s some lore for you (if I am right)


Car Crushers 2: The Book

Lore for car crushers 1 (this time more information):
A group of 14 Swedish and Norwegian immigrants set their sights on a tiny island surrounded by barrier rocks, which was abandoned after the events of Crash cars (the game on Roblox that inspired pan to make CC1). They decided to renovate it and it was a massive hit. They took an Avanta PC82 (double-decker bus), super car, SUV, tank, etc. and started crushing them up to generate money. Through a lot of contracts and a lot of lawsuits by various car companies, they decided to give expansions and diversify the island by growing palm trees and filling the island surroundings with water (it wasn’t filled with water before) and they got entirely new cars. The cars that were there got shipped off to Scandinavia to rot until someone restores them. The island was very successful after that but a multi-million dollar lawsuit took away a lot of the islands funds and therefore they stopped updating the island with the latest and greatest features until they got a bigger and better island off the coast of Hawaii. It was one of the uninhabited atolls until it got renovated to look like an absolutely great island with a lot of great features. The island is still updated to this day meanwhile the broken cars still sit there at CC1 island awaiting their eventual disposal.


Dude, I was just thinking about this today before I discovered the forums.

careful dude
you don’t want to predict cc3

well there was a huge forum channel in the cc2 discord server,i was the OP and started it under ‘‘cc2 lore discussion’’ but people eventually drifted off and stopped talking about lore,which then it got renamed to general forum chat. however the thread is now deleted because idk people were being mean i guess? i left for a short time and this happened during that what im saying is there was a place to talk about lore but youre late