Saleen S7 Headlight Improvement

Saleen is already a top-tier model (in game), so just a simple suggestion, improved headlights (and maybe taillights though I think they’re good as is) for the Saleen S7, Supra got the treatment so maybe it won’t be too massive of a hustle.


Taillights (Only thing I notice different between one in game and this one is the triangle blinker to the far right):





Yes, also the r33 headlights are unsymmetrical. So it would be great if you fixed both the saleen and r33 panwellz.


screw just headlights, I feel as if the entire model needs a remodel

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It my opinion it’s not that bad, and I think any reason it looks bad is because of the headlights.

the interior definitely is an eyesore

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also now that I think about it, the model isn’t that bad or good, but stuff like the fenders, or the rear end could use some fixing

Not as bad as other models, granted, maybe it could use an improvement to be better in a way. It’s one of those things where if you look to close it probably starts to look bad.