Ragdoll distance doesn't count

What is the bug?
Answer: Ragdoll distance keeps disappearing

How often does the bug happen? sometimes
Answer: This has happened almost 10 times now, and I don’t know what’s happening

What device did you play on? Computer

What steps do you need to take for it to happen? List them in very high detail:

  1. I use a sports car to go really fast, then I go to the airport and drive down the runway as fast as I can, around 260 mph, and I hit one of the safety posts at the end to ragdoll really far, but it never counts the entire distance

Roblox username: Im_BatmanFRVR


i think its because u land in water. Mabe try somewhere where u character lands on the groud. So not really an bug

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It has counted in the water when I’m going much slower, and it stops counting before I even hit the water, this also doesn’t happen for car jump distance

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But have you tried it on land. That’s what I’m asking

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heres another video

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Okay that’s kinda strange. What does the task that you have to do exactly say?

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It worked! for some reason…


its still happening though

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if it happens at around 260mph just go faster

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