Pillar fall crusher revamp

Not sure if revamps fit this category

But my suggestion is:

So one thing i think everyone knows is that the pillar fall crusher is one of, if not the worst crusher in the game, so here is my revamp suggestion that would make it better and more in level with the other row 2 crushers

So here’s how it would work:
Its main structure would be pretty much the same as the one the current has,
with the difference being that it would be w i d e

At the bottom, instead of having just an boring black floor, instead it would have 3 different
types of ‘‘mini crushers’’ that would destroy your car with different efficiencies
With them being:

(right) Spikes: Basically the spike pit

(left) Fire: it deals the same damage the fire from the garbage disposal deals

(middle) Spinners: the hardest prize, is basically the mega shredder crusher

I made a low effort visualized concept in the roblox studio
i’m not a builder btw
I threw my cousin in this thing

So yeah, by revamping the crusher in this way, i believe it would be way more efficient and in level with the others row 2 crushers


so plinko crusher is what I’m getting


whats the middle option, plus how r u gonna fit large vehicles down there

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The spinners (i will update the post)

You won’t :D

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i mean you can’t with the current crusher anyway so i don’t see how this is a problem