P1000 Ratte (the new final car)

P.1000 Ratte Superheavy Tank.

The P.1000 Ratte is a German project to create a massive tank, with a battleship turret. The project however, was scrapped, when the war was close to the end, and the Germans didn’t have enough supplies to create it, nor will it be effective, due to bombers and how heavy and large it was.

This could be the new top tier, either placed at 80 or 90 Trillion. This would be a VIP tank, or the last Group car. A special feature is since the Ratte has two turrets on the back. And when another player sits in the turret, they can shoot. They won’t be working in derby, and I dont even know if I’ve Ratte can be allowed in derby, due to double explosive cannons, and since its so heavily armoured. It could be balanced. This tank would be cool to see in the game.