Since I started using the forum, I’ve always questioned the use of the Merge tool idk how mods call it but never I though it made sense just to merge a topic into another. Sure for Bug report, that’s different and could stay like that but Vehicle Suggestion, I think it’s better to go with the quality of the post rather than it’s existence. Also, the merge doesn’t actually make sense to use here since it’s basically does the opposite of making a good suggestion actually good.
I know, mods don’t have power on how this works but there could be change in this. And I also know there is nothing perfect but this is much better than getting one of your topic merged.
btw I think most people don’t understand or its a misunderstanding a suggestion doesn’t have to include specs and is well researched. it’s literally just 1 image of the vehicle and that’s enough. The devs honestly don’t care about the history and development process nor the stats (cause they make it up usually), they only care about how many likes the suggestion has or in other cases what they want in the game
ofc but its more of a “gentlemen’s agreement” for people to have specs in their vehicle suggestions but its not required. And ofc who wouldn’t prefer a high quality suggestion over a boring 1 picture suggestion? its just not in the rules anywhere that stats “you must have specifications included”
no no, not like not merging and do nothing with the duplicate suggestion but like, just something else than merge could work better. But yeah, just removing merging without doing anything for duplicate wouldn’t work