My top 10 favorite and least favorite car/truck in game as of June 29 2024

This post will show what are my favorite car and my least favorite. So let’s get started with number 1


1#: The EXR Tregleta

As you may know, this used to be the best car in the game a while ago and it’s design and engine sound make it the best car in my opinion.

2#: Cherevlo Metro Sedan

This car deserve a high even though it’s a free car since so much memories have been created who played with it before it’s removal and feel nostalgic using it

3#: Folstak MS-8 Monster Truck

Definitely one of the coolest truck in the game but also very efficient for casual PVP with no tank

4#: Avanta Zeta LMA GT3

This used to be my favorite but since it is getting old for a car that has been that long in the game, I still find this car very cool even if it’s a bit more blocky than more modern car

5#: Panzer VIII Maus

Definitely the best tank since it compared to other tank, the Maus required skills (a lot of skill tbh) and take time to master to be good with it

6#: Arcuro NXS Mk2

The reason I love this car is because it is my favorite car IRL and as one of the best design for a Sport/Race car

7#: Nuke truck (too lazy to put the name of it)

The nuke truck is one of the best and most loved vehicle in the Car Crusher community and it’s there for a reason, perfect for tryhard that grind money and part

8#: Forter GT

So far, the design itself isn’t terrible but definitely not the best but it is quite fast for it’s low cost of 4.1B$

9#: Cherevlo Carvatto C8

A good car overall and since it is present in so much different game, I think this car as become a symbol for any car game

10#: Nyssat T30 GTR

(Don’t mind the text it’s not the good vehicle shown on the right)
Unlike other car, this one stand out more than some since it as been recognized by it’s design and efficiency in game

Tell me if you wanna see part 2 of this. I will do the same thing but with my least favorite car/truck and feel free to to leave you’re opinion as long as it not offending


no gavanni xtremema on this list thank god
the top car is overrated, have never seen someone win bomb tag OR freeze tag with it as the handling is really stiff at +100 mph and the acceleration is somewhat lacking


Yeah pretty much but idk why it’s so overrated I mean it’s just a decent car in my opinion so nothing too crazy out there


maus does not need skill, played quite shit with it on mobile and still won


do a part 2


Ill do the same but with all car and a rating along with it but it might not come today since there is tons of vehicle


Downgrading each of them bc I put the CLK in first now


here is mine

  1. ariel atom
  2. mazda atenza gr3
  3. porsche 959
  4. supra :troll:
  5. corvette c3
  6. volvo iron knight
  7. the presidential limo
  8. mclaren p1 gtr
  9. cts-v
  10. acura nsx gen 1
  1. Landkreuzer (not the ratte)
  2. Super drill
  3. Gavanni excelsio
  4. Landkreuzer P1.500 Ratte
  5. EB7 mountain anihilator
  6. WDZ
  7. Panzer ausf. N
  8. Panzer maus
  9. Exoniphic
  10. WDF Mining truck