Mercury Marauder (2003-2004)

Engine: V8

Price: 450,000 (exclusive for 130 core escapes)

Minimum: beginner derby

Top Speed: 130

Race class: B


Any thoughts?


130 core escapes is not that hard

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it isn’t but it’s just extremely tedious

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So, 200 derby wins for the Mopetti

And 10,000 cars for the Pamingo


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but comparing 200 derby wins to 130 core escapes, derby matches are generally a lot shorter, lasting 4-7 minutes

each derby match lasts about 5.5 minutes on average from the 4-7 minute statistic, but I’ll add another half minute due to intermission

6*200=1,200 (time in minutes)
1,200/60=20 (time in hours)

since you mentioned 10,000 cars, I’ll also bring that up

it takes about 30 seconds - 1 minute to crush a car on average from my experience

the average time it takes to crush a single car is about 45 seconds, which I’ll make into 0.75 minutes

0.75*10,000=7,500 (time in minutes)

7,500/60=125 (time in hours)

125/2=62.5 (halving under the assumption that if you’re maxed out and try to go for a bunch of achievements, you’ll be around there)

now let’s use your idea of 130 core escapes

assuming each core escape lasts 40 seconds - 1 minute + 30 seconds, the average time spent doing a core escape is about 1 minute and 5 seconds

I will account for the time it takes to recharge the core, and the time it will take to get to the core, being 20 minutes + 30 seconds

adding up the 20.5 minutes spent charging the core and the 1.08 minutes (rounded to closest hundredth), we get about 21.58 minutes per core escape

21.58*130=2,805.4 (time in minutes)
2,805.4/60=46.76 (time in hours, rounded to nearest hundredth)


now while the 10,000 cars is rather grindy, you will passively get progress, which equates to about 5,000 cars destroyed by the time you get maxed out with a few achievements

honestly your suggestion fits in with a nice time, but do take these calculations with a grain of salt due to how they rely on perfect situations, add a few hours to them to make it more accurate

my point here that I’m making is that 130 core escapes is a bit excessive, even if it fits in nicely due to the fact that you are most likely relying on people to have the core access gamepass, meaning that it realistically takes a lot longer than what my estimate might say

dropping it to 75 would be more reasonable

sorry for typing out an essay, but the TL:DR is that 130 core escapes is harsh, even if the estimate might say it lines up well, due to it realistically taking much longer if the core access gamepass is not owned


Good point, 75 it is


ah yes
locking a car behind a gamepass
let’s not be ea


Thats funny


Thanks, my brain go to holiday without me


ain’t reading allat
i’m happy for u tho
or sorry that it happened


I actually feel bad doing this but this has already been suggested here before

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