this is i believe a second generartion car for the rx7 its self so as u know already its engine is those rotary engines and its a 13B rotary they say so ya this thing has 181 hp and 141 torque man i mean its good for drifitng but everything else idk also im not gonna say what the defence and attack rating is cause i already know -_- first of all if u ever went drifitng on a mountain sudently lost control and crashed off a mountain youve been dead even if u on the road driving at normal speed when someone in a lambo rear ends you at 200mph im sure ur still also gonna be dead so id say the defence rating 132 attack rating 167 just cause if u were gonna its max speed which is 144 mph u probly can hurt a peel… or a beginers van… heh anyways time to give u some pics