Let's play chess. (also like a very long chess notation explanation)

How to play and rules:

I recommend you read most of this

-Use notations to make a move.
-With every move, provide an image of the board after your move, for this image please use chess.com analysis board.
-Include all other notations of the moves before so other people can see what position it is in and also contribute to the game.
-Please do not switch teams, announce if you are on team black or team white.
-Don’t do anything stupid, such as blundering your pieces or allowing checkmate.
-Please use the reply section to continue the game, DO NOT reply to a reply, instead reply to the original post.
-Paste the current PGN at the bottom of your image.
-Do not include the evaluation bar in the image or any other forms of hints or signals that one or the other is winning, including what the engine might think the best move is.
-Please let others have a go.

-Use the link Chess Analysis Board and PGN Editor - Chess.com and paste the PGN notation, which will be pasted at the bottom of the image.

-There is no timer, feel free to analyze and think what moves to make and evaluate any threats to your pieces knowing you have all the time in the world.

I recommend watching the chess.com video on chess notation, but a very long recap:

Moving a piece to a specific square:
-Pawns do not have a P in the notation, rather just “g4” if a pawn was to move to g4.
-All other pieces do, so:
Knight is N
Queen is Q
Rook is R
Bishop is B
King is K.

-If knight moves to “g5”, it is written as Ng5.

If that knight captures a piece when going on that square, add an X to the end of the name, but also include WHAT square it moved from (if a pawn captured the piece), so hxg5 would be a pawn moving from the F file to g5 to capture a piece, it does not matter what piece is captured, it will always be an X. I will discuss how to remove ambiguity when moving a piece to a certain square when another piece could’ve done the same later.

If a knight checks the king when going on “g5”, add a + to the very end of it, so “Ng5x+”, also assuming the knight captured a piece on its way to that square. If checking with a piece while also having captured one: queen to c5 capturing a piece while checking the king, would be written as: Qxc5+.

If a pawn promotes when reaching the opponents backrank, to say what piece is promoted to, use an = when then the letter of the piece it is promoted to, so =Q will be promoted to queen, and =N will be promoted to knight. You CAN promote to rook or bishop, but rarely do you promote to knight and ALWAYS promote to queen if a knight won’t do it. A queen is a bishop and rook fusion, remember.

So if a pawn promotes to a queen on e8, we write that as: e8=Q.
If the pawn captured a piece on the opponent backrank along with promoting: black pawn moves to d1 from e file to capture a piece and also promote to a knight, it would be written as exd1=N.

Finally, checkmate. A simple hashtag at the end of it (#)
If a rook moves to h4 and also mates the king when doing that move, it would be written as Rh4#. If the rook captures a piece on h4 if it was there, it would be Rxh4#.

Castling. Castling queenside means a triple O, so O-O-O. Castling kingside means O-O.

En-passant. I recommend watching a video on what en-passant is. But to notate en-passant: pawn moving to f6 diagonally from the G file also capturing an opponent pawn that was next to it, gxf6.

If 2 knights sat on c3 and g5, both can move to e4, but to specify which knight moved to e4, then include a file it moved from after. So if knight on c3 moved to e4, it would be Nce4, and the knight from g5 would be Nge4. Add check, captures or checkmate when there is one at the end of it.

To signify a win, write 1-0 for white win or 0-1 for black win after the notation marking the checkmate. This isn’t necessary, but you can add it if you want.

There is a bit more on this notation, but I will leave that to your own accordance.

So now, let’s begin the game.

I start as white as I sort of have to…


Current notation: 1. e4



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guess i have to provide the images

Current notation: 1. e4 e5

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Dead chess caht

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well this didn’t age well

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any one wanna play?