Something like that might be classed as minor (I may be wrong tho). Remember that to get Pro Crusher, you need to report something major. Here’s two examples of major bugs I reported in the past (One of which got me Pro Crusher) so you have some context of the difference:
As I mentioned in the title, the nuke crushers effect is visible as if you’re standing in the crusher from every part of the map, including the Dealership. The bug happens everytime the crusher is activated. The bug is not related to any GUI’s
Platform: Phone/Computer
To activate the bug:
Drop the nuke in The Nuke crusher.
I will upload a video later as this bug is very easy to replicate.
Usr: HeardAboutTheFunny
Right, so it seems the new mobile UI ain’t working too well. Some context for non-mobile players, when you’re out of a car, the new UI has a button to swap between inventory items and car functions like respawning. If the players inventory is showing when getting in a car, the buttons for respawning, etc. will fail to show up. This happens anytime the players inventory is shown, and I was on phone when I found this.
To replicate:
Spawn a car and jump out
Switch to inventory items
Get back in …