I never thought this would happen

My parents are thinking of a divorce and I just don’t know how I feel about it. My dad is now depressed and I never seen him this depressed. I don’t know what to do to fix it


I know how you feel :pensive:, I am
going through the same situation and I recommend that you take your time and always be positive

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you have my support

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now here me out, i might look stupid or just negative but

usually divorces can improve relationships even tho they are not together.
if they argue everyday, that will not happen again (maybe) if they maybe stay away from each other so the arguing doesn’t decline relationship
if they don’t have to live with the things that both persons don’t like about eachother

i know why you will be mad at me for saying that but that’s just my opinion on divorce.

I’m very sorry that you have to go through this tough time in your life.

i feel sorry for you because my parents never fight
i have a friend whos parents are divorced and he had a sad tone when he told me that

My parents are divorced. Just stay positive through it and you will be alright.

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I’m sorry man :(
divorces suck. I have several friends that have gone through that. I know what you mean.
My parents havent divorced and dont fight much but my dad is disabled vet and sometimes he explodes like a bomb but usually doesnt. I’m glad my parents are still together.
Best thing to do man is just give it to God in prayer, and just hold the line. keep your head up man.
Just wait and see. They may get back together, or find somebody else. Time will tell. I can pray for them in the meantime man I hope things get better

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