Huge derby arena update for cc2 50 update

We have some time to give some ideas to the devs before the fiftieth update for CC2.
It will probably include a lot of cool stuff cars etc. as a big part of this update could be the derby arenas update ` with new maps and power-ups. As a player who has played the game for 2+ years, I haven’t seen a new map for the derby arena correct me if I’m wrong. It would be cool to see new maps and who knows what!

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im not a derby enthusiast

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they’re probably saving 2nd floor for update 50
it would make sense after all


Yep probally update 50 but if its gonna be update 75 or 100 im gonna get out of the game bcs im bored there is still no second floor

there is no way it’ll take that long

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i thought we were on update 26 :skull:

in update 50
probably there is gonna be 3 new derby maps