pls name some ways to troll ppl on cc2
I dunno, I just wanted to use that, but one way to “troll” is to just ram someone with pvp on.
nah man trolling not nice
but if someone bullies u do it
ye sometimes dat happen
so i get my tank that i upgraded to be fast and SHOOT THEM DOWN while they are escaping core
i have bad aim tho ;-;
no what u should do is knock a person out with the thrust cause i do that 20millon times and it works great
ppl like to cover the tilted speed crash test and instead of turning off pvp i just want to like destroy their car and stuf
in the core evacuate sequence i was using the thrust ssc and i his some one and… … i was the only person alive
That’s just being a douche if you’re doing it on purpose, I’m not saying you did it on purpose, just saying.
Well, another way for that word to be used if I spelled it right, is to basically call someone a jerk.
i wasnt trying to be a jerk
I wasn’t
i think they where doing it on perpose because they stoped in front of me
jezz thats just plain bully
bruh lol