Since update 70, the rewards of race competition have been very reduced, unlike the amount indicated. I’d like to ask you what you think about this.
(For your information, I entered the race in the photo and won first place, but actually got 90 credits and 120B of money.)
I never play race competition, but i feel bad for the one who did.
just makes it worse because it doesn’t fix the 3 player minimum requirement
Example(The picture above is added to confirm the amount of compensation, 3 people required)
Additionally, prior to update 70, the marked compensation was properly received.
Man that’s upsetting
Races were a viable way to get credits and platina but now we have to stick to JUST crushing cars for best profit ;-;
Thanks for actually talking about this! I planned to make a similar post, but never got the time. Btw, to answer your question, it seriously pisses me off & IDK why it happened, a bug, Ig. If it’s the case, I hope it’ll be fixed really soon, bc my interest of racing has seriously dropped off now
Btw, if I can ask: Was this announced when the update came out?
that aint bad, i mean the credits couldve been nerfed more but is alr
It was not written in the announcement.
If so, the stated compensation amount should have changed, but they didn’t.
Well, unless it was a bug, IDK how it happened. Btw, I also made a post talking about this. Race Rewards bug (?)