Helicopter spawns on water

What is the bug?
Answer: spawn of rescue helicopter

How often does the bug happen? (Everytime, sometimes or rarely)
*Answer: in case of core meltdown on the one of specific spawnpoints of helicopter. *

What device did you play on? (Computer, Phone, Tablet or Xbox)
Answer: Computer.

What steps do you need to take for it to happen? List them in very high detail:

  1. To cause core meltdown and hope that helicopter will spawn on THIS point.

Is the bug related to GUI/Interface on the screen? Or did the bug only appear for you? Check yes if the bug didn’t happen for everyone in the server at the same time.
Yes/No: Bug appears for everyone. (People are driving to heli and just fall in water in front of him.

If yes, screenshot all red and yellow text in the developer console and post it here. (Open console by pressing F9 on computer, or by saying /Console in the chat)

Roblox username: F0XEGA


dude, that’s ice…


people doing anything to get pc


i mean TECHNICALLY ice is water, just in solid form

jokes aside this bug report is ridiculous


im always waiting for the day where i magically get pc


you all think you’re correct
you’re not
look closer



the darkened hue in the background made me thought it was the ice


Actually, this is fine. Chinooks can actually land on water for up to 30 minutes to provide faster transport for troops travelling over water, or to rescue civillians who survived a ship sinking. However, doing a water landing for troop transport was stopped due to the inspections needed to be done afterwards, and these water landing are now only for rescues. So this is actually accurate.

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If you wanna tell me, that this is ice, well…you can probably see the edge, where ice is finishing. Look more precisely.

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I updated post and as you can see here in closer point of view…yes.

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Yeah uhhhh I confirm this is true

just become jesus and walk on water! Duh! its that easy!