This vehicle would bring a new way to play the game
Mine layer vehicle
The name says it all
If a vehicle drives over the mine it would activate, cause it to effect the vehicle
The mine layer has 60 mines in total, it has a 10 mines per magazine, with a delay of 1 second between each mine dropped and a reload time for 10 seconds between each magazine
The mines will make a beep sound and emit a tiny light
The mine types are
Slick: causes the vehicle to lose all control for 5 seconds (stock mine)
Cyro: freezes the vehicle in place for 3 seconds (3,000 scrap or 300 credits)
Napalm: sets fire to the vehicle for 4 seconds (mild fire)
((4,500 scrap or 350 credits))
Shockwave: flings the vehicle forward (4,000 scrap or 330 credits)
Joker: (derby only) deals 25% hp damage and if a power up is on the vehicle the power up activates. (2,000 scrap or 150 credits)
Explosive: explodes….need to say more? (15,000 scraps, 600 credits or 10,000 scraps and 450 credits for vip)
Due to the vehicles nature I believe it should be the end late trillions, as well as being a group vehicle.
It would have decent armour as it uses a tank chassis
Top speed: 50 kph/ -15 kph (stock) and 70kph / -20 kph (maxed)