Gas Stations And Tesla Superchargers And Public Chargers with Working Fuel Tanks

I think this may be one of the like 5 things Car Crushers 2 needs to add. There should be working fuel tanks in all vehicles, and Gasoline Automobiles could be fueled up at Gas Stations. Tesla’s can be charged at a Tesla Supercharging Station. And Other Electric cars that are not Tesla’s can be charged at a Public Charging Station.


since they added credits u can go to the gas station and pay to refuel your car… … …i want this added


I like it, but maybe those should be explosive and in some kind of mode in CC2 like a roleplay or movie maker mode.


This is as useful as Asphalt’s fuel system.


Maybe has it as an option, for people who just want a touch of realism.


Literally every modern game has a fuel system now.

“hEy wE wAnT a FuEl sYsTem tHiNgY sO wE cAn mAkE tHiS gAmE hArDeR tO GrInD aNd mAkE iT mOrE pAy tO wIn” - No one ever


That is precisely what I mean by “As useful as Asphalt’s fuel system.” People who play that game find the fuel system useless and makes the game more frustrating.


This is why A8 is so popular. It doesn’t have the fuel system literally every racing game made after it has.

A9, Overdrive City, NFS:NL, CSR 2…

All of them have the fuel system in one way or another.

A8 doesn’t, and I hope it stays that way.

Also A9’s career doesn’t make sense. Like suddenly you need a car that you never got any blueprints for beforehand, meaning you have to hope it pops up in the Store.


Asphalt 9 has disappointed many fans.
With Asphalt 8, it was a completely new thing and had many new thing to it, but Asphalt 9, it feels roughly the same with only a few differences.

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The one thing that gets me though is their “Exotic Beast” career mission, I really like the picture.

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