First letter of sentence becomes the last letter of next

Did somebody say, Died?

Dang, after 18 days, you came back.

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Uh yea, i did

Do you know who’s the brother of Beau?

I don’t know who he is but i think he died

Wait, I just realised that every sentence has to end with a “d” because of how the game is set up, that’s odd

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Huh, that is odd

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that’s not true at all though

Wait I’m an idiot

(this should’ve ended with I)

(and this since l should’ve ended with W)

(but whatever just continue)

No you are not, you always know when to make people go wow

(Should’ve ended with W)


I have school soon

Really, I can’t believe your loss, but unfortunately, like everybody, so do I

I should really make some new sprocket tanks for another weekend thing, this time probably a tank destroyer

Maybe, but somebody doesn’t fancy tanks, is it I?

I’m feeling stretched, like chocolate pudding scraped across too much ham