Environmental Attacks in derby

it is… a powerup!
it has less chances to appear compared to the others, but has varied effects depending on the map, most leading to a shitton of KOs, even able to KO yourself.
some can be used multiple times, some only once.

tropical island: the volcano erupts, even more lava (that cools down with time)

launch pad: the rocket… launches? the thrusters below it burn anything it their way

city crossing: a bunch of fuel trucks fly off the parking garage rooftop, exploding upon impact

mountain top: an avalanche comes down. you get hit - you get wrecked/heavily damaged/flung off the map

the reactor thingy: an EMP blast, affects the whole map but only does 20-25% damage as well as shutting the engine and brakes off for a few seconds (but that doesn’t mean the car will stop!)

temple: you know the middle part of the map that’s lower than the others? well, it’s no longer there, and there’s a literal spikey pit there now. push others for free KOs

need feedback and ideas


Very needed and uh I have no idea in + I can think of lmao


in the double 8/loop arena a bunch of formula cars loop around the track a few times,plowing anything on their way,the cars vary from avanta za15’s to formula 1’s to even some revennis


in the Derby Arena map a huge AI monster truck enters and crushes anything in its path.