Completely Redo Terrain Destroyer {PLEASE READ}

yeah. The TD needs to be worthy of its title and rank

It needs to be a MONSTER

pretty sure if thenotoriousreaper sees this he might think it is interesting
besides this is probably the hardest anyone has ever tried for their suggestion to get into the game

if it gets a huge buff it should become tier 3

hehe…I can see that. I re-read what I wrote in my main post and is honestly book worthy

Anyway. Yeah. I would like for him to see this.

Yes. tier 3 would be EPIC. Would make it more feared :D

Wait, is there even a tier 3 in the beginners derby?

Yes sir. it is the 1 mill dozer which is equally as worthless as the TD


thenotoriousreaper is an EXCELLENT builder, the best in my opinion. He really needs to see this. I know he can make the TD into the monster it should be.

Any way we can get this to Notorious? Just wondering no pressure. I probably seem really pushy right now xD sorry

soooo much ENERGY

Oops. Meant to send the top comment about getting this seen to you Zan. Hit wrong button

i don’t know what you mean, but you are forgiven

Meh. Might have confused myself with comment/chat settings. Don’t remember.

One tiny thing that I would like Notorious to see as well…one little thing…the pipes on the TD. Whereever those may be moved to or of more are added to it’s construction if it ends up getting redone, I thought it would be cool, despite being cab/bed mounted pipes, to have flames come out the tops like out of cars that do. Just thought that would be a neat part of the build ^^

Anyway, I must get rest now. I hope Notorious finds this :) hopefully it makes at least a little sense. I made more sense in the comments haha…the paragraph I wrote has the same idea, just a bit wild xD.
Good day to all.

I am back now. So is there some way I could get this to the builders of CC2?

I may be a little confused, but someone said earlier that Notorious might see this, would it be better if I got it TO him somehow, or would it be more polite to just wait.
I just think it would really be awesome if this was part of the next update or something