Change price of "Unlock All Crushers" gamepass

Change the price of this gamepass because instead of 1200 robux you can buy it with just 315 robux and like maybe 2 weeks
Make it like 275 robux and not 315 because the vip one includes cars not only crushers
It also has more dislikes than likes so do it

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  • The suggestion is not in the Car Crushers 2 Trello Trello
  • It has not been suggested in the forum already (Search or check the “your topic is similar to…” tab)

If it already exists, like that instead to increase the chances of it being added!


I agree that the price should change, but it should still be relatively high, like 700 or something like that


Its not really that good if you already have vip crushers and the normal ones

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when you subtract by 900 and scam everyone who bought the gamepass by making it 275



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