CC3 might exist in the future

Roblox has said that mesh derformation was gonna be added in the future
so CC3 might have deformable meshes for realism
it would probably look a like this: Car Destruction in Unreal Engine 4 - YouTube


CC3 will exist when CC2 stops receiving updates


Or major changed to CC2, CC3 wont happen for a while.


I doubt roblox would be that depth in mesh deformation, this video kind of gives hope but you never know.

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Mesh deformation will probably be a whole new chapter to Car Crushers, so if car mesh destruction will be a thing, maybe CC3 will be a thing when or if mesh deformation becomes a thing.


I am very happ!!! I don’t have to pay for beam my drive!!!

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Panwellz said there wasn’t gonna be a CC3 but he was making a game that also had destruction in it

He didn’t tell me

this is so cool

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As pan mentioned on Twitter, games related to destruction may also come out

And the question of this forum is, I wonder why I switched from car crushers to cc, i.e. I think that there will be games related to the topic of cc, not car crusher.

(My hypothesis)

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They might add the deformable meshes to cc2 that would be easier

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