Car with the highest handling, acceleration, braking and top speed stat?

Whats the car with the highest handling stat?

Whats the car with the highest acceleration stat? (Excluding the thrust ssc and hypershock)

Whats the car with the highest top speed stat? (Excluding the thrust ssc and hypershock)

Whats the car with the highest braking stat? (Excluding the thrust ssc and hypershock)

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Highest TS (bar the SSCs): Gavanni Exelsio, 614 km/h at maximum gear ratios

Highest Acceleration (bar the SSCs): Dragster, 36.6 acceleration when fully upgraded

Highest Handling: Revenni XT3, 26 handling

Highest Braking (bar the SSCs): Trafera VXG, 20.9 braking when fully upgraded


Wait, my bad, highest acceleration besides the dragster and the sonicpower jet truck?

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In that case it would go to the Duneripper V2 with 27.9 acceleration, with all upgrades and lowest ratio setting (134%)

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