Car suggestion in car crusher 2

Before posting, make sure that:

  • The suggestion is not in the Car Crushers 2 Trello Trello
  • It has not been suggested in the forum already (Search or check the “your topic is similar to…” tab)

If it already exists, like that instead to increase the chances of it being added!

It would be awesome to add the Mercedes T80 to the game! This iconic car set speed records in the 1930s. Its inclusion could bring a unique and nostalgic racing experience to

Welcome to the forums!

Unfortunately, this has been suggested before, and as such will get merged

There is no punishment for suggesting something that has already been suggested, but please do check if what you’re going to suggest has been suggested before

Also, make sure to use the correct suggestion channel, this would have gone into CC2 Vehicle Suggestions

A post was merged into an existing topic: Mercedes T80